
May, 08 2024

Navigating Change: The Evolving Regulatory Landscape in Pharmacy – a Focus on Drug Pricing Transparency and Affordability


The regulatory landscape in pharmacy, particularly concerning drug pricing transparency and affordability, has undergone significant evolution in recent years. Government and regulatory bodies worldwide are increasingly scrutinizing the pharmaceutical industry's pricing practices to ensure transparency and promote affordability for patients. One key aspect of this evolution is the implementation of legislation requiring pharmaceutical companies to disclose pricing information for their drugs, including factors influencing pricing decisions such as research and development costs, production expenses, and marketing expenditures. For instance, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a pricing policy guideline in 2020, outlining strategies such as external and internal reference pricing and cost-plus pricing. Moreover, the guideline underscores the importance of promoting quality-assured generic and biosimilar medicines to foster market competition and reduce prices, aligning with broader trends towards greater scrutiny and competition within the pharmaceutical industry.

Moreover, efforts to enhance drug pricing transparency and affordability extend beyond legislative mandates to encompass various stakeholders within the healthcare ecosystem. Payers, including government agencies, insurers, and pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), are increasingly negotiating drug prices and implementing formulary management strategies to control costs and ensure access to affordable medications for patients. For instance, in January 2022, Mark Cuban, known for his entrepreneurial ventures, launched an online pharmacy aimed at promoting drug pricing transparency. Bypassing traditional intermediaries such as pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), Cuban's pharmacy offers generic drugs at lower prices. The company operates with a 15% markup on drugs, along with additional handling and shipping fees, while also disclosing the prices it pays for medications. This initiative reflects a growing trend where stakeholders, including entrepreneurs and consumers, are taking proactive steps to address drug affordability issues and promote transparency in pricing practices. As the regulatory landscape continues to evolve, collaboration among stakeholders and ongoing monitoring of pricing practices will be crucial in achieving the overarching goal of ensuring that patients have access to essential medications at affordable prices.

Key Factors Shaping the Evolution of Pharmaceutical Regulations: Ensuring Price Transparency and Affordability






Technological Advancements

In 2023, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) launched the AI/ML Pilot Program to harness AI and ML technologies for evaluating drug safety and efficacy, reflecting a regulatory landscape adapting to technological advancements. This initiative displays a commitment to leveraging technology to ensure patient safety and drug quality amid evolving concerns around drug pricing transparency and affordability.



In 2023, the APEC Regulatory Harmonization Steering Committee (RHSC) addressed the challenges of globalization in pharmaceutical operations. The committee focused on developing tools and training in internationally harmonized guidelines. To promote regulatory convergence and cooperation, the RHSC established Training Centers of Excellence for Regulatory Science (COEs). This initiative aims to enable consistent product quality and safety across borders, facilitating access to high-quality treatments and improving drug pricing transparency and affordability worldwide.


Public Health Crises

In April 2023, amidst ongoing public health crises, CMS proposed a new regulatory measure to enhance drug pricing transparency and affordability. Through the introduction of an annual Medicaid Drug Price Verification Survey, CMS sought to validate reported drug prices, particularly for high-cost medications. This initiative aimed to equip state Medicaid agencies with more robust data for negotiating favorable pricing terms with manufacturers, thereby improving access to vital treatments. In navigating the evolving regulatory landscape, businesses operating in the pharmaceutical sector needed to adapt to heightened scrutiny and demonstrate transparency in pricing practices to ensure compliance and foster trust among stakeholders.


Drug Pricing Transparency

In July 2021, the Drug-Price Transparency for Consumers Act of 2021 received support from the American Hospital Association, aligning with the broader trend of increased focus on drug price transparency. This act aims to empower consumers by providing insight into prescription drug pricing, complementing ongoing efforts to enhance transparency in drug pricing. Such initiatives contribute to addressing concerns regarding drug pricing affordability and accessibility by promoting transparency, fostering a more competitive market environment and enabling consumers to make informed decisions about their healthcare expenditures.


Value-Based Pricing

According to a study published in BJM, concerns over the fairness in 2021 of medicine prices were underscored by a global survey spanning 78 countries, revealing that only 9% of 1500 patient groups considered pharmaceutical companies to have "excellent or good" fair pricing policies. This figure has remained relatively stagnant, fluctuating between 11% and 15% since 2011. Amidst debates among politicians, experts, physicians, patients, and pharmaceutical executives about the definition of "fairness," value-based pricing frameworks offer a potential solution. Tying drug prices to demonstrated clinical value, these frameworks aim to address concerns of fairness while incentivizing innovation and enhancing access to cost-effective therapies.

Global Efforts to Improve Drug Pricing Transparency and Affordability

The global pharmaceutical landscape is undergoing significant changes in terms of drug pricing transparency and affordability. In the European Union, efforts are being made to improve transparency and accountability in the pharmaceutical system, with a focus on centralizing pricing and strengthening existing initiatives. However, the implementation of price transparency policies has been met with challenges, including the differing needs and negotiating capacities across countries and the complexities of interactions between stakeholders.

In North America, a strong legislative framework in the U.S. has evolved to address issues related to the transparency and affordability of pharmaceuticals. State-level initiatives, influenced by Vermont's pioneering 2016 law, mandate manufacturers, PBMs, and insurers to disclose pricing information, with a focus on high-impact drug categories such as diabetes medications. California and Nevada further fortified these efforts in 2015 with laws targeting the wholesale acquisition costs of drugs, particularly in response to soaring prices of hepatitis C treatments. California's program notably provides extensive data on launch prices and subsequent escalations, offering unparalleled transparency in the industry. Recent federal legislation, such as the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, seeks to tackle prescription drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries and address the pricing disparities of monopolized drugs. This legislation includes provisions safeguarding against discriminatory pricing practices and introduces an excise tax to incentivize compliance with negotiation processes, signaling a concerted effort to promote affordability and accessibility in the pharmaceutical market.

Across North America, particularly in the U.S., there is a concerted effort to enhance transparency and affordability within the pharmaceutical sector. State-level regulations, influenced by Vermont's landmark 2016 law, compel manufacturers, PBMs, and insurers to disclose pricing information, prioritizing critical drug categories such as diabetes treatments. Additionally, California and Nevada enacted laws in 2015 to target the wholesale acquisition costs of drugs, particularly in response to exorbitant pricing trends seen in hepatitis C medications. California's initiative notably provides comprehensive data on drug launch prices and subsequent escalations, setting a benchmark for transparency. Recent federal legislation, such as the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, aims to mitigate prescription drug costs for Medicare beneficiaries and address pricing imbalances for monopolized drugs. Through provisions prohibiting discriminatory pricing practices and introducing an excise tax to incentivize compliance, policymakers are actively working to foster affordability and accessibility in the pharmaceutical market.

“In December 2023, CVS announced alterations to its pharmacy reimbursement model, signaling a commitment to bolstering transparency in drug pricing. This strategic shift aligns with the regulatory landscape, emphasizing transparency and affordability. It proactively addresses concerns about medication costs and pricing opacity through which CVS aims to contribute to a more transparent and consumer-centric pharmaceutical market”

In Sub-Saharan Africa, there's a notable focus on enhancing drug pricing transparency and affordability. Various policies, including tiered pricing, voluntary licensing, and generic policies, have been implemented to achieve these goals. For instance, the adoption of such measures has resulted in significant reductions in the prices of generic direct-acting antivirals (DAA), dropping from USD 1200 to a range between USD 684 and USD 750. This underscores the complexity of navigating drug pricing dynamics in the region and the ongoing need for tailored approaches to ensure the accessibility and affordability of essential medicines. Such measures aim to ensure that crucial medications are more affordable and accessible to the population, ultimately improving healthcare outcomes in the region.

“In October 2023, as pharmacies prepare for 2024's Direct and Indirect Remuneration (DIR) fee changes, transparency in drug pricing becomes paramount, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. CMS's 2022 rule to eliminate retroactive DIR fees aligns with efforts in the region to improve medicine pricing policies, ensuring fair access to essential drugs. Pharmacies are advised to adopt tax planning strategies and leverage technology to mitigate costs while navigating these regulatory shifts effectively”

In Canada, the Patented Medicines Prices Review Board (PMPRB) was established to protect and inform Canadian consumers by regulating the prices of patented drugs, aiming to keep prices affordable and in line with international standards. In Latin America and the Caribbean, countries are implementing strategies to enhance transparency in drug pricing, such as Argentina's "Precios Cuidados" program, which regulates the prices of essential goods, including medications, seeking affordability and transparency for consumers.

Stakeholder Perspectives on the Evolved Regulatory Landscape in Pharmacy

Patients: Improved Accessibility and Affordability

  • Enhanced Drug Pricing Transparency: Patients benefit from increased transparency in drug pricing, as it enables them to make more informed decisions about their healthcare expenses. Knowing the cost of medications upfront helps patients plan and budget for their treatment, ultimately improving accessibility to essential medications
  • Reduced Out-Of-Pocket Expenses: Regulatory measures aimed at promoting affordability mean that patients may experience reduced financial burden when purchasing medications. Lower drug prices and decreased out-of-pocket expenses make treatments more accessible, particularly for those with limited financial resources, improving overall healthcare equity
  • Patient-Centric Treatment Options: The evolving regulatory landscape encourages pharmaceutical companies to develop treatments that align with patient needs and preferences. This patient-centered focus leads to the creation of therapies that are more effective, easier to use, and better tolerated, ultimately enhancing patient adherence, health outcomes, and satisfaction with their healthcare experience

Healthcare Providers: Streamlined Processes and Enhanced Patient Care

  • Harmonized Standards and Regulatory Convergence: Harmonized regulatory standards simplify administrative processes for healthcare providers, reducing paperwork and bureaucratic hurdles. Consistent product quality standards across borders facilitate smoother procurement and administration of medications, allowing healthcare providers to focus more on patient care
  • Better Patient care Through Accessible Medications: With improved accessibility and affordability of medications, healthcare providers can offer their patients a broader range of treatment options. This leads to more tailored and effective interventions, ultimately improving patient outcomes and satisfaction with the care they receive
  • Continuing Education for Healthcare Providers: Staying informed about regulatory updates and advancements in therapeutic products is essential for healthcare providers to deliver high-quality care. Continuing education ensures that providers are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills needed to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape and provide optimal treatment to their patients

Pharmaceutical Companies: Innovation, Competition, and Adaptability

  • Encouraging Innovation and Fostering Competition: Regulatory initiatives promoting transparency and affordability stimulate innovation within the pharmaceutical industry. Increased competition from new market entrants encourages companies such as Sanofi, and Accumulus Synergy to develop more cost-effective solutions, driving down drug prices and expanding treatment options for patients
  • Adapting to the Changing Regulatory Landscape: Pharmaceutical companies must remain adaptable to navigate the complex regulatory environment effectively. Embracing technological advancements, addressing globalization challenges, and responding to public health crises are essential for maintaining compliance and ensuring the safety, efficacy, and quality of their products. Companies such as Sanofi, GSK, and Accumulus Synergy exemplify this adaptability by proactively anticipating regulatory changes and upskilling their regulatory affairs professionals
  • Upskilling Regulatory Affairs Professionals for Success: Regulatory affairs professionals play a crucial role in helping pharmaceutical companies navigate regulatory complexities. Continuous upskilling and a growth mindset are essential for these professionals to effectively influence product development strategies, anticipate regulatory changes, and ensure compliance with evolving standards and requirements. GSK, and Accumulus Synergy prioritize upskilling their regulatory affairs professionals to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape successfully


The evolving regulatory landscape in pharmacy, particularly regarding drug pricing transparency and affordability, reflects a dynamic interplay of global trends, technological advancements, and stakeholder initiatives. Efforts to enhance transparency and affordability, driven by factors such as technological innovation, globalization, and public health crises, are reshaping how pharmaceutical products are priced, accessed, and regulated worldwide. Stakeholders across the healthcare ecosystem, including patients, healthcare providers, and pharmaceutical companies, are actively engaging with these changes, striving to ensure that essential medications are accessible and affordable for all. As regulatory frameworks continue to evolve, collaboration and ongoing monitoring will be crucial in achieving the overarching goal of promoting transparency, fostering competition, and ultimately improving patient outcomes in the pharmaceutical market.

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