A study took place at the University of Southern California where researchers have successfully examined the fossil of little foot which is known as Australopithecus that is believed to be lived more than 3 million years ago. Fossil fuels generally tell us about the real age of any living creature and it is one of the most asked questions nowadays that how human life came into full existence and how we emerged from apes. This discovery has confirmed that how our human ancestors were able to use their arms. The movement of our body takes place through different mechanisms. A new USC research shows that a high analyzed report is clear proof of the upper body of the famed fossil which is known as little foot and the name is given by the scientist. The arm of the little foot is clear proof which helps understand the human evolutionary tree. Human evolution takes place in various steps and for different step; there are different types of findings. A scientist who belongs to the Keck School of medicine, USC focused on its so-called pectoral girdle which consists of different parts of the body like collar bones, shoulder blades, and joints.
Although different parts of little foot, most importantly its legs, show similar traits which are like humans for upright walking, the shoulder elements are apelike which supports arms extremely well and it is suitable for suspending from branches or sliding up and down trees rather than doing a projectile or dangling astride the torso, similar to humans. The little foot fossil gives one of the best evidence yet of how human ancestors were able to make their arms useful more than 3 million years ago, said by a renowned lead author and expert of the study. He was able to discover things which act as proof of the movement of some of the body parts.
This is a very crucial mystery that how we can move like this and what are other features in our body acts accordingly. “Little foot is the Rosetta stone for early human ancestors," he said. When we compare the shoulder assembly with living humans and apes, it shows that little foot's shoulder was probably a good model of the shoulder of the common ancestor of humans and other African apes like chimpanzees and gorillas.