Studies from the past few years tell that street cannabis has become substantially a great harm to human health and it carries a lot of risk with it. The study was analyzed from past 50 years and there are recorded data that how much people are visiting rehab and their mental health is getting disturbed. There is a team of addiction and mental health group are now working on a study at the University of Bath. This is the most needed analysis and if it gets deliver to people they can be able to lead a healthy lifestyle and live their days with very less stress. The data was collected from over 80,000 cannabis sample tested in the past 80 years and it is been recorded different results from different studies. The samples were generally taken from the street samples because they are the most available thing in the market which people are consuming these days. Different countries and different cities are giving samples like USA, UK, Netherlands, France, Denmark, Italy, and New Zealand. Their findings are published in the research that was funded by some society which also works in collaboration with study for addiction.
The study told about some things which are present in the cannabis like the concentration of THC (the intoxication component of cannabis responsible for giving user a ‘high’) has been changed as the time changes and it is recorded there are now different types of cannabis. There are some herbal cannabis in which the THC level is increased by 14% from 1970 to 2017, this can be happened because of the chemical mixing process in between the whole production. This was also due to the high demand in market and so there is increase in market share of relevant product which is considered as sinsemilla which is relative to traditional herbal cannabis which contains more seeds and less THC.
The team have proved through their studies and will be able to found that frequent use of cannabis will result in increase of high level THC problems and you may get suffer from addiction and psychotic disorder and there are many problems that can also arise like panic attack etc. It is recorded that the increase level of THC were particularly high for cannabis resin, if we see past years in 1975 and 2017 when the concentration of THC is rising at a very high rate which is 24%. According to the analysis study it is assumed that the resin which is extracted from herbal cannabis is now typically stronger than the herbal cannabis. They also looked at concentrations of cannabidiol or CBD which is not intoxicating but may have potential medical uses such as helping people to quit cannabis. In contrast to THC, they found no evidence for changes in CBD in cannabis over time.