Product Launch (Blog)

Apr, 18 2024

Decoding the Global Meditation Market: Leading Companies and Innovations

The global meditation market is experiencing significant growth, fueled by increasing awareness about the health benefits of meditation, such as stress reduction, improved emotional well-being, and enhanced focus. Meditation is a practice that involves focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to achieve a state of mental clarity, emotional calmness, and increased awareness. It is often used as a technique for relaxation, stress reduction, and promoting overall well-being. Factors such as hectic lifestyles, rising work-related stress, and growing interest in mental health and wellness are driving the adoption of meditation practices worldwide. A diverse range of meditation techniques and approaches, including mindfulness meditation, yoga meditation, and spiritual meditation, among others characterizes the market. In addition, integrating technology, such as meditation apps and online meditation classes, is making meditation more accessible to a broader audience.

The Global Meditation Market size was valued at USD 7.41 billion in 2023 and is projected to reach USD 28.81 billion by 2031, with a CAGR of 18.5% during the forecast period of 2024 to 2031.  

Below are the Top Five Meditation Companies with a Significant Market Share:




Product Portfolio






Calm is a prominent player in the global meditation market, offering a popular meditation app that has gained significant traction among users worldwide. The app provides a wide range of guided meditation sessions, mindfulness practices, and relaxation techniques designed to help users reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance overall well-being. Calm has also been successful in leveraging technology to enhance the user experience. The app offers features such as sleep stories, breathing exercises, and daily mindfulness challenges, all contributing to its popularity and appeal. Furthermore, Calm has been proactive in partnering with experts in meditation and mental health, as well as celebrities and influencers, to create engaging and impactful content. These partnerships have helped Calm expand its reach and attract new users.

  • Calm Masterclass
  • Breathing Exercises
  • Meditations
  • Relaxing Scenes & Sounds
  • Sleep Stories
  • Calm Music

In July 2019, as per the Los Angeles Times report, the Calm application crossed around 52 million downloads. It has achieved one of the best meditation apps in mindfulness practices and helped people sleep peacefully with its music and session application. This has helped the company to increase its revenue through the application and reach globally.




Headspace Inc. is a prominent player in the global meditation market, offering a popular meditation app that provides guided meditation and mindfulness practices to users worldwide. The company has established itself as a leader in the digital meditation space, with a strong focus on providing accessible and effective meditation solutions for individuals seeking to improve their mental health and well-being. Headspace has also successfully leveraged partnerships to expand its reach and attract new users. The company has collaborated with various organizations, including healthcare providers, schools, and businesses, to offer tailored meditation programs to their employees and members.

  • Meditation
  • Sleep
  • Stress
  • Mindfulness

In November 2021, Headspace Inc., a global leader in mental health and well-being, announced its partnership with youth-focused non-profits bring change to mind, co-founded by actress & activist Glenn Close, and peer health exchange to launch the company’s new Headspace for Teens social impact initiative. Through this initiative, the company aims to provide a platform to help teens be kind to their minds. The program will focus on three key areas: acceptance, access, and action.






BetterMe is a notable player in the global meditation market, offering a range of wellness and mindfulness products through its mobile app. The company focuses on providing personalized meditation experiences, workout plans, and nutrition guidance to help users achieve their health and wellness goals. BetterMe's meditation offerings are designed to cater to individuals at different experience levels, from beginners to advanced practitioners. The app provides guided meditation sessions, mindfulness exercises, and relaxation techniques, making it suitable for a wide audience seeking to improve their mental health and well-being. The company has collaborated with fitness influencers, wellness experts, and health organizations to create engaging and impactful content for its users.

  • Self-Help Plan
  • Breathing Exercises
  • Meditations
  • Sleep
  • Sounds
  • Meditation and Self-Help Programs


In May 2021, BetterMe launched wheelchair workouts on Global Accessibility Awareness Day. This workout helped people who are physically disabled. This launch has helped the company to expand its application globally and increase its revenue in the market.


Aura Health



Aura Health is a prominent player in the global meditation market, offering a popular meditation app that provides personalized meditation and mindfulness practices to users worldwide. The company's app is designed to help users reduce stress, improve sleep, and enhance overall well-being through guided meditation sessions and mindfulness exercises. It has been proactive in partnering with experts in meditation and mental health to create high-quality content for its users. These partnerships have helped the company expand its reach and attract new users.

  • Meditations


In January 2017, Aura Health introduced an app emphasizing short, three-to-seven-minute meditations tailored to the user's mood, whether stressed, anxious, happy, or sad. This approach contrasts with other meditation apps, which typically offer longer, at least 10-minute sessions. Aura collects demographic and age-related data to enhance its understanding of users' meditation preferences.


The global meditation market is witnessing significant growth, driven by many factors, including increasing awareness of the health benefits of meditation, rising stress levels, and a growing interest in mental health and wellness. Market players are actively expanding their product portfolios and investing in research and development to innovate new meditation techniques and technologies. Companies also leverage technology, such as meditation apps and online platforms, to reach a wider audience and make meditation more accessible. Furthermore, strategic partnerships and collaborations are helping market players enhance their market presence and cater to the evolving needs of consumers.

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