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A Process That Removes Toxic Ions and Salt Content from Water:

  • Uncategorized
  • Jun 18, 2021

Water resources are depleting and hence people are suffering each day to consume fresh drinking water. The process of getting fresh water has different levels, which includes removing salt from ocean water and other water bodies. Removing salt is only one step in creating potential clean water from the ocean but quantity of present in ocean water is so high that it gets difficult to remove. To remove the salt properly, lot of high tech resources are required. There are many toxic compounds that rise from metal to human-made carcinogens and it must be removed by subsequent processing. A planned framework and great quality machine are used in order to have fresh water, that is, without any salt content. Certain chemicals perform their role of removing toxic ions and salt and researchers have invented a technique that does remove these contents in one step. This one-step process approach is cost-efficient and time saver.

The technology behind this one-step process is that they create porous nanoparticles, PAFs with added functional groups that can selectively absorb ionic compounds like metals or some neutral species and these metals are highly reactive to any outer source elements. One of these neutral species is boron which is added to the polymer membranes which is then highly used in electro dialysis. The scientist behind this discovery tells that it was a very difficult task to make this process, function and be done at the University of California Berkeley. Different type of water samples were collected to test this technology, to ensure that it applies to any kind of water. Desalination the expulsion of salt - is just one stage during the time spent delivering drinkable water, or water for farming or industry, from the sea or wastewater. Either previously or after the evacuation of salt, the water regularly must be blessed to receive eliminate boron, which is harmful to plants, and substantial metals such as, arsenic and mercury, which are poisonous to people. Frequently, the interaction leaves behind harmful saltwater that can be hard to discard. The new technique, which can easily be added to current membrane-based electro dialysis desalination processes, removes nearly 100% of these toxic metals.