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Increasing Death Rates Due to Fall Risks:

  • Uncategorized
  • Jun 09, 2021

According to some statistics recorded from 1999 to 2017, there are lots of people who are encountered with risk of an increasing number of drugs that were prescribed to older adults in the U.S. and the rate of death became double in the meantime. The study was full of evidence that there was a specific percentage of adults aged 65 and older who had prescribed a fall risk which is increasing day by day and if you see the percentage was 57% in 1999. The research also concluded that the rate of death caused by this has doubled within a particular period and there is not even any proper cure for it. Additionally, no one is considering this issue as a serious agenda. When an individual gets old, they get annoyed by little things which are considered abnormal in a human being. In this case, doctors give them a heavy dose of medicines which can cause a lot of harmful effects in their body and these effects can make their health situation much worse. 

Even a minor fall poses a great problem and is very dangerous for older adults. Falls that are not fatal can still result in great injuries and these injuries include hip fractures, head traumas, and many more that are responsible for the deteriorating quality of life. Old age life brings sensitivity issues, emotional issues and they need special care and great pampering which will make them easy to live and they feel happy. According to live data, each year nearly $50 billion is almost spent on the cost of medicals which is associated with fall injuries in older adults. The alarming results solidify the importance of interventions to de-prescribe potentially inappropriate drugs among older, frailer patients, says Amy Shaver, lead investigator and postdoctoral associate in the UB School of Public Health and Health Professions. Their study indicates two trends increasing concurrently at a population level, that should be examined at the individual level. Our hope is it will start more conversations on health care teams about the pros and cons of medications prescribed for vulnerable populations.